.. highlightlang:: us .. _what's-new-in-uniplot-5.9.2: What's New in UniPlot 5.9.2 =========================== This page describes the changes made to UniPlot 5.9.2 since version 5.9.1. New UniScript Functions ----------------------- .. us.makeindex New592, New Functions in UniPlot 5.9.2 .. include:: ../ftab/New592.ftab Modified UniScript Functions ---------------------------- The changes are listed in the history table at the end of the function description. .. us.makeindex Changed592, Modified Functions in UniPlot 5.9.2 .. include:: ../ftab/Changed592.ftab Bug Fixes --------- The following bugs have been fixed: * (ID1917): Using Windows 2000 the import of Excel data files failed. * (ID1918): The :ref:`GetDirectoryWriteAccess` and :ref:`GetFileWriteAccess` sometimes returned an incorrect return value. * (ID1919): The CORBA-DLLs for ASAM-ODS with CORBA-Interface did not work on machines missing the DLL msvcr90.dll. This bug only occurred in UniPlot 5.9.1. A msvcr90.dll is no longer necessary to load the CORBA-DLL. * (ID1925) The modified flag was not set if a page was removed from a document. If the document was closed without another modification, the document was closed without asking if the user would like to save the modified document. * (ID1928) If a bitmap was inserted from clipboard into a document page and right afterward a different document page was activated the bitmap got lost. This error occurred only in UniPlot 5.9 and 5.9.1. :sub:`id-1636010`