.. highlightlang:: us .. _what's-new-in-uniplot-5.7.0: .. _news-5-7-0: What's New in UniPlot 5.7.0 =========================== This page describes the changes made to UniPlot 5.7.0 since version 5.6.3. New Features ------------ * :ref:`the-data-browser`: A data preview of a selected data channel can be displayed. Choose :ref:`fileimport-data` and click on the **>>** button. The preview diagram will display the data over the point index starting with 1. Missing values will not be displayed. .. image:: S:/uniplot-obj/images/dateneditor-menu-dlg.* * :ref:`dataadd-magnifying-diagram`: This function can be used to magnify a visible part of a diagram in a separate diagram. The selected section (lens) can be moved and resized using the mouse or the arrow-keys. The magnifying diagram can be fixed to its position or moved with the selected section. .. image:: S:/uniplot-obj/images/MagnifyGlass.* * :ref:`datacursor-data-table`: New command to create a table displaying the cursor data. .. image:: S:/uniplot-obj/images/CursorDataTable.* * :ref:`edit-search-and-replace-ipw`: Searches for a string and replaces it with another in all open IPW documents. * A number of libraries have been updated (pcre, VTK, sqlite3, libxml2). * A table of all new functions is found under :ref:`uniscript-5.x`. * A table of all modified UniScript functions is found under :ref:`uniscript-5.x`. The changes can be found in the history table at the end of the function description. Bug Fixes --------- The following bugs have been fixed: * (ID380): :ref:`uniplot_3dview`): The number of data points for the scatter plot was not limited. This could lead to a program crash if the number of points was greater than approx. 5000 points. Now, only the first 5000 points will be displayed. The number of points for the 3D-curve has also been limited to 1000 points. * (ID1726): :ref:`XYFind`: The function did not return the data point with the index 1, if the data was sorted in decreasing order. * (ID1731): :ref:`LayerSetAxisTitle`, :ref:`LayerGetAxisTitle`: The newline character has been changed from ``\r\n`` to ``\n`` to make the functions compatible with text objects (:ref:`TBGetText`) and table objects (:ref:`TableGetText`). * (ID1732) :ref:`regex`, :ref:`regsplit`: The functions did not handle Unicode characters correctly and did not support the case-insensitive flag. * (ID1733): :ref:`datadataset-list`: New buttons have been added to modify the dataset order in a diagram: "One Up", "One Down", "Send To Back", "Bring To Front". * (ID1735): An error occurred, if a text file was opened with :ref:`SynEdCreate` and then opened again with :ref:`EdCreate`. * (ID1736): The case of a file name of an existing text file was modified, if the name was specified with a different case. For example the call :ref:`SynEdCreate("TEST.TXT") ` would change the case of an existing file with the name "test.txt" to upper case. * (ID1739): The :ref:`interpol` and :ref:`auto_xy_RemoveDoublePoints` function did not handle datasets with only one data point correctly. * (ID1748): :ref:`datadata-exchange-(document)`, :ref:`datadata-exchange-(page)`: The option "Use Record Filter specified in Datasets (Curve)" was not used correctly for 3D-Datasets. * (ID1749): :ref:`datainterpolation`: The option "Interpolation-Range-Automatically" has been added to the interpolation dialog box. * (ID1750): UTX-Import-Filter: UTX formatted Excel files could not be read if the header contained empty rows between the key words ``UXX-BEGIN`` and ``UXX-END``. This error occurred only in UniPlot 5.6.3. See :ref:`utx-data-file-format-specification`. * (ID1751): :ref:`FileToField`, :ref:`StringToField`: If an Unicode character width a value greater than 255 and a byte value of the lower byte matching the value of the separator (59 for ;) was not handled correctly. This bug could occur during the import of UTX-Excel files. * (ID1752): UTX-Import-Filter: UTX formatted Excel files could not be read if a cell contained a semicolon. See :ref:`utx-data-file-format-specification`. * (ID1753): :ref:`map-calculator`: The INCA format string ``CALIBRATION VALUES V1.0;,;`` was incorrect, if the decimal symbol in the Regional Options was set to ".". * (ID1755): If the option "Do not keep history of recently opened documents" in the Group Policy Editor (Gpedit.MSC) was enabled, UniPlot terminated with a memory access violation during startup. * (ID1758): :ref:`TableDeleteColumn`: If the column index was greater than or equal to the last column, a memory access violation occurred. For example, the call ``TableDeleteColumn(hTable, 1000)`` did not remove the last column. :sub:`id-1587519`