.. |browse| image:: S:/uniplot-obj/buttons/browse.png :align: top .. highlightlang:: us .. _what's-new-in-uniplot-5.3.0: What's New in UniPlot 5.3.0 =========================== This page describes the changes made to UniPlot 5.3.0 since version 5.2.0. New Features ------------ * The data exchange command has been improved. The new commands have the names :ref:`datadata-exchange-(page)` and :ref:`datadata-exchange-(document)`. List of new features: * The number of data files is no longer limited to 16. * The data exchange can be executed even if channels are missing in the data files. Missing channels are displayed in a dialog box and can be replaced by new names or will be ignored. * Channel names of multiple datasets can be replaced in one step. For example the x-channel of all datasets can be changed from **speed** to **pme**. * The curve style (line color, -width, -style, marker style) can be modified. * Data files can be removed or added. * New functions have been added to the formula interpreter (see :ref:`functions-in-formulas`). (Compare functions, Boolean functions, if-than-else function). Example: The following formula ``be2 = if_than_else(compare_less(torque, 3), 500, be)`` creates a new channel ``be2 = f(torque, be)``. Channel ``torque`` values less than 3.0 will be set to 500 and ``torque`` values greater or equal to 3.0 will be set to the value in the ``be`` channel. * Two combo boxes have been added to the file open dialog box (see :ref:`fileopen`, :ref:`getopenfilename`). .. image:: S:/uniplot-obj/images/file-open-en.* The combo box **Recent Folder** displays the 10 last opened directories and the **Saved Recent Folder** combo box displays directories which have been added using the new |browse| button that opens the following dialog box: .. image:: S:/uniplot-obj/images/file-open-list-en.* * A new command line parameter, /ALLUSERS, in the UniPlot setup program has been added to create UniPlot program icons for all of the computer users. Example:: up530.exe /S /LIC=NNN /ALLUSERS /D=C:\Programme\UniPlot-530 NNN is the complete license key. * Import-Options: A new option for the NC attribute ``long_name`` has been added. The ``long_name`` attribute is used to label the axes title. So far ``long_name`` contained the channel name followed by the unit in braces, e.g. ``Torque [Nm]``. Now a pattern can be set to create the ``long_name`` like this: ``Torque in Nm`` or ``Torque/Nm`` or ``Torque/(Nm)`` or in two rows. See :ref:`fileimport-options`. * NC-Browser (see :ref:`the-data-browser`): Single frozen channels can be unfreezed. * PowerPoint-Export: The pages can be selected from a list. A PowerPoint template can be used. The size of the exported page has been corrected. It should now be approx. identical to the size in UniPlot. See :ref:`filemore-file-functionssend-to-powerpoint`. In some PowerPoint versions (PP2000), vertical aligned text was displayed incorrectly. For example, the y axis title was displayed upside down. Now UniPlot uses WMF files for the export instead of EMF files (only PP2000). This bug can be fixed with a Microsoft Service Pack. See http://support.microsoft.com/kb/264709/en-us. The graphic export can create EMF (default is EMF) or WMF files. To create WMF files for the export, type in the following command into the command window:: WriteProfileInt("settings", "Export_EMF", 0) To create EMF files:: WriteProfileInt("settings", "Export_EMF", 1) * The second alpha version of the updf library is ready. updf is the file format for the upcoming UniPlot version 6.0. In streams of updf files (see :ref:`overview-updf-files`) the normal file functions :ref:`fwrite`, :ref:`fseek`, :ref:`fprintf` etc., can be used. The **updf_file_write** function have been removed. A number of new functions has been added: :ref:`updf_dump`, :ref:`updf_gen`, :ref:`updf_copy_to`, :ref:`updf_file_copy_to`, :ref:`updf_prop_copy_to`, :ref:`updf_fileversion`, :ref:`updf_libversion`. New UniScript Functions ----------------------- .. us.makeindex New530, New Functions in UniPlot 5.3.0 .. include:: ../ftab/New530.ftab Modified UniScript Functions ---------------------------- .. us.makeindex Changed530, Changed Functions in UniPlot 5.3.0 .. include:: ../ftab/Changed530.ftab Bug Fixes --------- The following bugs have been fixed: * (ID1154): WMF-Export: For some diagram layouts diagrams and datasets were missing in the WMF file. * (ID1156) :ref:`GetSaveFileName`: The file name extension was not automatically added to the file name. * (ID1157): Text Object: The text box extent was calculated incorrectly for very short text (1,2 or 3 characters). * (ID1163): The :ref:`TableGetPenList` function caused a memory access violation. * (ID1165): PDF-Export: If the PDF file name contained blank characters, the PDF file could not be created. * (ID1166): The :ref:`CnLoad` function needed write access if the file was created with UniPlot 3.x. A second mistake was that those files were not closed. after loading. * (ID1167): The :ref:`obj_save` and :ref:`obj_load` function had a number of errors when objects contained strings with NULL characters. * (ID1168): NC-Browser: If the channels were displayed in rows, frozen channels were replaced by other channels. This bug occurred if the dialog box was resized using the ">>" button. * (ID1169): NC-Browser: If the channels were displayed in rows, global attributes could not be copied into the clipboard. * (ID1170): Asam-Browser: The formula channels were not updater or created. * (ID1171): The :ref:`ExcelWrite` function converts negative numbers of type "I" to a positive number in the range 0 to 65535. Negative numbers cannot be used for this data type. The documentation did not mention this limitation. * (ID1173): File Quick View: If a template with a stacked diagram was used, data was added to the grid diagram. * (ID1175): IPW-Save: The file name extension :file:`.ipw` was not automatically added to the file name. See :ref:`filesave-as`. * (ID1178): :ref:`PageGetBoundingRect`: Hidden axes elements were not ignored. Therefore the bounding rectangle could be greater than expected. For example, this bug could occurred in the PowerPoint export. * (ID1179): The :ref:`TBGetAlignHorz` and :ref:`TBGetAlignVert` returned wrong values. * (ID1180): The font dialog box displayed fonts where names started with an ``@`` character. For example: "@Arial Unicode MS". Text objects using this font could not be printed correctly. * (ID1185): :ref:`XML_SetUserData(hParser, data) `: If *data* was a UniScript object (see :ref:`obj_create`), a memory access violation could occur after the function was invoked 32 times. * (ID1190): :ref:`PageUndoStart`: If the description text was longer than approx. 60 characters, a memory violation error could occur and UniPlot would exit. * (ID1191): The :ref:`fwrite_int8 `, :ref:`fwrite_uint8 ` functions were incorrect if the BIG_ENDIAN_BYTEORDER was used (see :ref:`fopen`). * (ID1193): :ref:`fread`: If the parameter *n* was greater than the number of elements in the file, the function failed. Now all elements will be returned. * (ID1194): Some users could not use the :ref:`filemore-file-functionssave-document-pages-as-a-pdf-file` command if they had Ghostscript properly installed. In UniPlot 5.2.0 the Ghostscript-exe file was used. Now the Ghostscript-DLL is used. * (ID1202): :ref:`uniplot_3dview` (up3dv.exe) would not start on some computers. * (ID1213): A number of bugs in the documentation of the following functions have been fixed: :ref:`XYCreate`, :ref:`XYAddData`, :ref:`XYSetData`, :ref:`TYCreate`, :ref:`TYAddData`, :ref:`TYSetData`. * (ID1218)::ref:`RegOpen` failed for elements in the registry where the user had only read access rights because UniPlot tried to open the key with read **and** write access. Now these keys will be opened with read access only. * (ID1219): :ref:`ExcelRead` could not read cells that contained far east characters (for example japanese characters). For these cells UniPlot returned an empty string. This bug created some problems in the Excel data import. * (ID1220): :ref:`PageGetBoundingRect` ignored the bounding rectangle of the background page. See :ref:`page-select-master-page`. * (ID1222): Text objects containing alias field functions, e.g. _a(Title), were only updated in the active page. See :ref:`fileedit-alias-table`. * (ID1223): Saving the data of a 2D-Dataset in an Excel file failed if the dataset contained more than approx. 8300 points (Error message "Index out of range"). * (ID1225): Line Object: If diagram coordinates for a line object were selected and the axis scaling was changed, the line coordinates were updated to new coordinates. The line object did not change its position. :sub:`id-1642573`