.. highlightlang:: us .. _what's-new-in-uniplot-5.11.1: What's New in UniPlot 5.11.1 ============================ This page describes the changes made to UniPlot 5.11.1 since version 5.11.0. Enhancements ------------ * :ref:`tablefile-legend-configuration` bzw. :ref:`@f{legend_table}`: The table legend function introduced in UniPlot 5.11.0 has been extended. Up to 8 NC file attributes or channel values can be displayed. A table header can be displayed in the first row. .. image:: S:/uniplot-obj/images/legend_table-en.* * :ref:`filemore-file-functionsload-3d-data-matrix`: Incomplete matrices can be loaded. * MATLAB files in the ControlDesk format can be loaded. ControlDesk is a trademark of dSpace GmbH. (http://www.dspace.de). New UniScript Functions ----------------------- .. us.makeindex New5111, New Functions in UniPlot 5.11.1 .. include:: ../ftab/New5111.ftab Modified UniScript Functions ---------------------------- The changes are listed in the history table at the end of the function description. .. us.makeindex Changed5111, Modified Functions in UniPlot 5.11.1 .. include:: ../ftab/Changed5111.ftab Bug Fixes --------- The following bugs have been fixed: * (ID2195): 2D-Dataset with Hatch Fill: A close curve could cause a memory access violation. If one of the axes was log scaled, the hatch fill was not displayed. * (ID2196): Edit Embedded IPW Pages: Some important commands were missing if a UniPlot page embedded in another application was activated. For example the data exchange command was not available. A new command **Save Copy As** has been added to save a page as a IPW file. * (ID2198): UTX-Filter: During the removal of empty columns on the right side of the data matrix an error could occur. The problem only occurred under UniPlot 5.11.0. * (ID2204): Data Exchange: The same file name was sometimes displayed for all data sources in the :ref:`datadata-exchange-(page)` dialog box. * (ID2206): MATLAB Import: UniPlot could crash during a mat-file import. :sub:`id-809490`