.. highlightlang:: us .. _what's-new-in-uniplot-5.1.1: What's New in UniPlot 5.1.1 =========================== This page describes the changes made to UniPlot 5.1.1 since version 5.1.0. New Features ------------ * Document pages can be exported as GIF and TIFF files. The resolution for all bitmap formats (bmp, jpg, gif, tiff, png) can be set between 96, 300 and 600 DPI. To export a document page right click outside the page or choose :ref:`filemore-file-functionssave-pages-as-metafile-or-bitmap-graphics`. * The :ref:`upimage_exe` tool has a new parameter "-j" to set the quality for Jpeg output. Bug Fixes --------- The following bugs have been fixed: * (ID401): The :ref:`editfind-in-files` command could not search for text that contained a "|" or "@" character. * (ID875): An IPW document could be opened by more than one UniPlot instance at the same time. This could lead to UniPlot crashing. This bug has been fixed in UniPlot 4.2.4. Because of the new Library used in UniPlot 5.1.0 the bug was added to UniPlot version by mistake. * (ID1090): :ref:`DialogBox`: If the number of elements in a ReportControl was reduced the report was not updated correctly. For example, this bug occurred in the dialog box :ref:`datadataset-list` when the checkbox "List only datasets of the selected diagram" was marked. * (ID1091) In 5.0.0 and 5.1.0 multiple diagrams could only be selected by clicking inside the diagram area. In 5.1.1 the diagram can again be selected by clicking on the diagram title of label (while the Shift-key is pressed). * (ID1092) :ref:`auto_GetFileNameDialog`: The function failed to list the file names if a file name contained an @ character. * (ID1093) :ref:`@f{labeldataset}`: The field function calculated the label position incorrectly if the XY dataset did not contain any filter functions. * (ID1094) Formula Interpreter: The check formula command did not work correctly if the formula name and the formula result channel name were not identical. The function also failed for formulas of the form "A=A" or "A=B" and "B=A". :sub:`id-1680582`