.. highlightlang:: us .. _what's-new-in-uniplot-4.2.7: What's New in UniPlot 4.2.7 =========================== This page describes the changes made to UniPlot 4.2.7 since version 4.2.6. New UniScript Functions ----------------------- .. us.makeindex New427, New Functions in UniPlot 4.2.7 .. include:: ../ftab/New427.ftab Modified UniScript Functions ---------------------------- .. us.makeindex Changed427, Changed Functions in UniPlot 4.2.7 .. include:: ../ftab/Changed427.ftab Bug Fixes --------- The following bugs has been fixed: * (ID993): NC files: The ignore case option could only be set for a single nc file. The function has been modified so that the flag can be set globally: :: nc_set_option(ncid, "nocase", 1); // For all NC files (ncid = -1) nc_set_option(-1, "nocase", 1); * (ID998): Online Help: The function help index was not listed in the correct sort order. * (ID1000): An error object could not be added to a UniScript object. :: o = [.]; o.e = error_create("test", 1, "message"); * (ID1016): Sometimes the wait cursor did not change to an arrow cursor. * (ID1027): If a string matrix contained NULL characters the string was truncated at the first 0-Byte character: Example: ``sm = ["a\x0b", ""]; sm[1;1] != "a\x0b";``. * (ID1028): The print output of a real matrix into the command window could not be canceled with the ESC key, example: ``print rand(10000,1)``. * (ID1032): The :ref:`DialogBox` function had multiple errors (UniPlot 4.2.4 to 4.2.6). * (ID1037): 3D Dataset: If the option "Fit to Gradient" for the isoline labels was set, the gradient was not recalculated if the diagram size or scaling changed. :sub:`id-1127680`