.. highlightlang:: us .. _what's-new-in-uniplot-4.1.2: What's New in UniPlot 4.1.2 =========================== This page describes the changes made to UniPlot 4.1.2 since version 4.1.1. News ---- * New function to save IPW files in compact form (:ref:`fileclose-(save-compact)`). * :ref:`DocSave`: New Parameter *bAddToMRU*. This parameter can be used to avoid that the file name is added to the list of recently used files. * UniScript-Debugger: New improved tool tips for UniScript objects. * Dataset Style: A selection of properties for a dataset style can be specified in the :ref:`toolsdataset-style-configuration` dialog box. Example: To create a style that will only set the curve style to a solid line style, create a dataset style with only the curve-style property enabled and all other properties disabled. * New features have been added to the :ref:`data-3d-dataset-z-values` and :ref:`data-3d-dataset-isolines` dialog boxes. A autoscale function and a new function to create isoline labels have been added. New UniScript Functions ----------------------- .. us.makeindex New412, New Functions in UniPlot 4.1.2 .. include:: ../ftab/New412.ftab Modified UniScript Functions ---------------------------- .. us.makeindex Changed412, Changed Functions in UniPlot 4.1.2 .. include:: ../ftab/Changed412.ftab Bug Fixes --------- The following bugs have been fixed: * (ID543) The help index for UniScript key words (if, else, for, ...) did not direct to the right pages. * (ID537) The FEVIS-Import-Filter had a bug. * (ID532) Some MDF files (VS100 /INCA) could not be imported. * (ID533) If a variable type was changed in a for loop a memory access violation occurred. :: def test_for() { for (i in 1:1000) { i = "a" } } * (ID535) The incorrect property dialog box was opened when the user right clicked on an OLE object (e.g. Excel Sheet). * (ID553) Sometimes when a dataset was clicked a different dataset was marked. * (ID558) The :ref:`XYZGetIsoAreas` function caused a memory access violation when no isolines were specified for a 3D dataset. The documentation for this function was missing. * (ID571) The :ref:`FS_GetFreeSpace` and :ref:`FS_GetTotalSpace` function returned valid values only for drives with a capacity of less than 2GB. * (ID588) UniScript: The :ref:`obj_keys` function had an error: :: obj = [.1,2,3]; obj_keys(obj, 0, 10) // did not work obj = [.1,2,3]; obj.keys(0, 10) // Did work * (ID590) The :ref:`obj_save` function did not save Variant matrices and negative keys correctly. :: o = [. 1 = [1, "1"]] obj_save(o, "d:/test.xml") // => a[1] was missing in the file :: o = [. -1 = 2] // negative Keys obj_save(o, "d:/test.xml") // error * (ID591) During the deallocates (garbage collection) of a list object, a memory access violation could occur. :: list = [.]; t = list; for (i in 1:100000) { t.val = i; t.next = [.]; t = t.next; } t = list = 0; gc(); * (ID610) The documentation of the :ref:`RemoveDirectory` was missing. :sub:`id-800000`