.. highlightlang:: us .. _what's-new-in-uniplot-3.6.6: What's New in UniPlot 3.6.6 =========================== This page describes the changes made to UniPlot 3.6.6 since version 3.6.5. Bug Fixes --------- The following bugs have been fixed: * After the command :ref:`tools-create-uniscript-library` has been executed the function :ref:`diagram-create-stacked-diagram` could not be invoked again. * Interpolation for some 3D datasets failed due to a problem in the calculation of the data hull. * The Thin-Plate-Spline interpolation could not be calculated for some 3D datasets. * The command :ref:`editcopy-page` did not copy the page maps into the destination page. * Sometimes the edit dialog box for text placeholders wasn't initialized correctly. :sub:`id-786874`