.. highlightlang:: us .. index:: zip_list .. _zip_list: zip_list ======== .. us.tag zip_list NOTREADYENGLISH New500 file-zip :ref:`zip_list` returns information about a given zip archive. .. note:: This is an obsolete function. Use :ref:`p7z_list` instead. .. function:: ret = zip_list(ssZipfile) ret = zip_list(ssZipfile, svOptions) ret = zip_list(ssZipfile, svOptions, svMatch) .. us.return **Return Value** *ret* is either an error object (see :ref:`error_create`) or a string matrix with file information.The string matrix contains 1 or 8 columns depending on the parameter *svOptions*. .. list-table:: :header-rows: 0 * - name - file name * - size - file size in bytes (unpacked) * - csize - file size in bytes (packed) * - date - date * - time - time * - method - compression method * - crc-32 - check sum * - encrypt - encrypted: "P", not encrypted: "-" .. us.params **Parameters** .. uparam:: ssZipfile *ssZipfile* is the complete Zip file name. .. uparam:: svOptions *svOptions* is a string with one of the folloing values: .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Value - Description * - "shortlisting", "short", "s" - List only file names. * - "longlisting", "long", "l" - List file names and other information (see return value). .. uparam:: svMatch *svMatch* is a match string for the file names in the archive file, which may contain wildcard characters (``"*"`` and ``"?"``). .. us.example **Example** :: smFilenames = zip_list("c:/test.zip", "longlisting", "*.exe") .. us.history **History** .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Version - Description * - 5.0.0 - New .. seealso:: :ref:`file-zip`, :ref:`zip_unzip` :sub:`id-213908`