.. highlightlang:: us .. _what: what ==== .. index:: what .. us.tag what ENGLISH Programming.Symboltable :ref:`what` displays the names of the loaded UniScript functions in the command window. .. function:: ssRet = what() ssRet = what(ssPattern) .. us.return **Return Value** *ssRet* is the number of currently loaded functions. .. us.params **Parameters** .. uparam:: ssPattern *ssPattern* is a scalar string with a search pattern. For a description of the search pattern, see :ref:`strmatch`. .. us.example **Example** Lists all function names: :: what() Lists the function names beginning with XY: :: what("XY*") Lists the function names beginning with XY but the third letter is not Z: :: what("XY[!Z]*") .. seealso:: :ref:`overview-programming`, :ref:`who`, :ref:`whos`, :ref:`symbols`, :ref:`strmatch` :sub:`id-1026717`