.. highlightlang:: us .. _updf_propval_new: updf_propval_new ================ .. index:: updf_propval_new .. us.tag updf_propval_new NOTREADYENGLISH updf updf-propvals New560 :ref:`updf_propval_new` creates a new property value object. .. function:: propval = updf_propval_new() .. us.return **Return Value** *propval* is a pointer to a propval object or a number with the value 0 (error). .. us.params **Parameters** .. uparam:: data *data* is a scalar, vector or matrix (real or string). .. uparam:: data_type *data_type* is one of the following values: .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Wert - Bedeutung * - UPDF_INT8 - 8-Bit signed integer (-127..128). * - UPDF_UINT8 - 8-Bit unsigned integer (0..255). * - UPDF_INT16 - 16-Bit integer. * - UPDF_UINT16 - 16-Bit integer (unsigned). * - UPDF_INT32 - 32-Bit integer. * - UPDF_UINT32 - 32-Bit integer (unsigned). * - UPDF_INT64 - 64-Bit integer. * - UPDF_UINT64 - 64-Bit integer (unsigned). * - UPDF_FLOAT - 32-Bit real value. * - UPDF_DOUBLE - 64-Bit real value. * - UPDF_STRING - Unicode string saved as UTF-8. * - UPDF_BLOB - Stream of bytes. *data* must be a string. .. us.comment **Comment** For the types ``UPDF_INT8`` to ``UPDF_DOUBLE`` *data* must be scalar, vector of matrix of numbers. For the type ``UPDF_STRING`` *data* must be a valid Unicode string. For the type ``UPDF_BLOB`` *data* must a string value without valid Unicode characters. Null characters are valid. The :ref:`mem_set` function can be used to create the data. .. us.example **Example** .. include:: ../include/test_updf_propval_new.ic .. us.history **History** .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Version - Description * - 5.6.0 - New .. seealso:: :ref:`overview-updf-files`, :ref:`updf_propval_get_info`, :ref:`updf_propval_get`, :ref:`mem_set` :sub:`id-1298911`