.. highlightlang:: us .. _strfindreplace: strfindreplace ============== .. index:: strfindreplace .. us.tag strfindreplace ENGLISH STR :ref:`strfindreplace` performs a find-and-replace operation in a string matrix. .. function:: smStringNew = strfindreplace(smStringOld, ssFind, ssReplace) .. us.return **Return Value** *smStringNew* is a string matrix in which the substring *ssFind* is replaced by the string *ssReplace*. .. us.params **Parameters** .. uparam:: smStringOld *smStringOld* is the source string matrix. .. uparam:: ssFind *ssFind* is the find string. .. uparam:: ssReplace *ssReplace* is the replace string. .. us.example **Example** :: strfindreplace("This is not a string", "not a", "a") This is a string .. seealso:: :ref:`overview-strings`, :ref:`strtok`, :ref:`strfind` :sub:`id-955252`