.. highlightlang:: us .. index:: saveiclib .. _saveiclib: saveiclib ========= .. us.tag saveiclib NOTREADYENGLISH Programming.Symboltable Changed500 Changed5200 Changed5300 :ref:`saveiclib` saves all loaded UniScript functions in an UniScript Library file. .. function:: bool = saveiclib(ssFileName) bool = saveiclib(ssFileName, svModules) .. us.return **Return Value** *bool* is TRUE (1), if the file *ssFileName* could be saved and otherwise FALSE (0). .. us.params **Parameters** .. uparam:: ssFileName *ssFileName* is the complete path name of the library. UniScript Library files normally have the file name extension :file:`.icl`. The standard name of the UniScript Library is :file:`rs_sl.icl`. .. uparam:: svModules Is a list of ic file names without extension and without path name. Only functions located in the specified file names are saved in the library. If the parameter is not specified the standard UniPlot script files are saved in the library. .. us.example **Example** :: saveiclib("c:/uniplot/program/rs_sl.icl") Saves all function in the library :file:`test.icl` from :file:`test1.ic` and :file:`test2.ic`:: saveiclib("c:/mylibs/test.icl", ["test1", "test2"]) .. us.history **History** .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Version - Description * - 5.30 - UniPlot 5.30 saves UniScript-Librarys in a new format (Format version 8), that older UniPlot version cannot load. UniPlot 5.30 cannot read libraries version 1-7. * - 5.20 - UniPlot 5.20 saves UniScript-Librarys in a new format (Format version 7), that older UniPlot version cannot load. UniPlot 5.20 cannot read libraries version 1-6. Librarys of UniPlot 5.20 and higher are compatible between the 32-bit and the 64-bit UniPlot version. * - 5.0.0 - UniScript 5.x-Librarys are not compatible with UniScript 4.x libraries. UniScript 5.x can read UniScript 4.x icl files. .. seealso:: :ref:`overview-programming`, :ref:`loadiclib`, :ref:`load`, :ref:`loadlib`, :ref:`LibMain`, :ref:`clear` :sub:`id-1680514`