.. highlightlang:: us .. _remove: remove ====== .. index:: remove .. us.tag remove ENGLISH math-base New5510 :ref:`remove` removes all elements with the value 0 or *rsRemove* from a real vector. In case of a matrix all rows with the value 0 or *rsRemove* in the first column will be removed. .. function:: rmData = remove(rmData) rmData = remove(rmData, rsRemove) .. us.return **Return Value** *rvData* is a real vector without any elements that matches the the given scalar value or 0. If all elements of *rmData* identical to *rsRemove* or 0 the functions returns a scalar 0. .. us.params **Parameters** .. uparam:: rmData *rmData* is a real vector or matrix. .. uparam:: rsRemove *rsRemove* is a real scalar value. If the function is invoked with one parameter only the default value is 0. .. us.example **Example** :: * remove([12, 0, 13])' 12 13 .. seealso:: :ref:`overview-strings`, :ref:`find`, :ref:`strremove` :sub:`id-1558874`