.. highlightlang:: us .. index:: ode .. _ode: ode === .. us.tag ode ENGLISH math-misc :ref:`ode` computes the solution of ordinary differential equation of the first order. .. function:: rvX = ode(f, x_0, t_out) .. us.return **Return Value** *rvX* is the solution vector. .. us.params **Parameters** .. uparam:: f *f* is a function provided by the user (see example). .. uparam:: x_0 *x_0* is a column vector with the start conditions. .. uparam:: t_out *t_out* is a vector with data points for which the solution of the differential equation is computed. .. us.example **Example** :: def y_dot (y, t) { return sin(t) .* sin(t) - 3 * y; } y = ode(y_dot, 0, t = linspace(0,3,30)'); plot(t, y) .. seealso:: :ref:`overview-mathematic`, :ref:`solve` :sub:`id-1565148`