.. highlightlang:: us .. _nc_varcopy: nc_varcopy ========== .. index:: nc_varcopy .. us.tag nc_varcopy ENGLISH NC_Var New400 :ref:`nc_varcopy` copies the data of a variable from one NC file to another NC file. The variable must exist in both files and must have the same number of points. .. function:: err = nc_varcopy(ncid_in, varid, ncid_out) .. us.return **Return Value** *err* .. us.params **Parameters** .. uparam:: ncid_in Identifies a netCDF file. .. uparam:: varid *varid* is the ID of a variable. .. uparam:: ncid_out Identifies a netCDF file. .. seealso:: :ref:`overview-netcdf-files`, :ref:`nc_create` :sub:`id-490777`