.. highlightlang:: us .. _fwrite: fwrite ====== .. index:: fwrite .. us.tag fwrite ENGLISH ffiles Changed590 :ref:`fwrite` writes data into a file. .. function:: n = fwrite(fh, ssType, dat) n = fwrite(fh, dat) n = fwrite_char(fh, dat) n = fwrite_char8(fh, dat) n = fwrite_float64(fh, dat) n = fwrite_float32(fh, dat) n = fwrite_int8(fh, dat) n = fwrite_uint8(fh, dat) n = fwrite_int16(fh, dat) n = fwrite_uint16(fh, dat) n = fwrite_int32(fh, dat) n = fwrite_uint32(fh, dat) n = fwrite_int64(fh, dat) n = fwrite_uint64(fh, dat) .. index:: fwrite_char .. index:: fwrite_char8 .. index:: fwrite_float64 .. index:: fwrite_float32 .. index:: fwrite_int8 .. index:: fwrite_uint8 .. index:: fwrite_int16 .. index:: fwrite_uint16 .. index:: fwrite_int32 .. index:: fwrite_uint32 .. index:: fwrite_int64 .. index:: fwrite_uint64 .. us.return **Return Value** *n* is the number of elements written. .. us.params **Parameters** .. uparam:: fh Identifies the file. .. uparam:: ssType *ssType* is one of the following strings: .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Value - Meaning * - "double" - (8 Bytes) * - "real48" - (6 Bytes) * - "float" - (4 Bytes) * - "char" - (1 Bytes) * - "char8" - (1 Bytes) * - "uchar" - (1 Bytes) * - "int" - (4 Bytes) * - "uint" - (4 Bytes) * - "long" - (4 Bytes) * - "ulong" - (4 Bytes) * - "short" - (2 Bytes) * - "ushort" - (2 Bytes) .. uparam:: dat .. us.example **Example** :: fh = fopen("/test.bin", "w"); rvValues = 1:100; // 1,2,3,4,... fwrite(fh, "short", rvValues); // writes 100 short values fclose(fh); fh = fopen("/test.bin", "r"); rvValues = fread(fh, "short", 100); // reads 100 short values fclose(fh); .. us.history **History** .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Version - Description * - 5.9.0 - New type "char8". .. seealso:: :ref:`overview-binary-and-text-files`, :ref:`fopen`, :ref:`fread` :sub:`id-630344`