.. highlightlang:: us .. index:: fspline2 .. _fspline2: fspline2 ======== .. us.tag fspline2 NOTREADYENGLISH interpol-2d New5200 :ref:`fspline2` executes a 2-dimensional "matrix to matrix" interpolation. .. function:: rmZi = fspline2(rvX, rvY, rmZ, rvXi, rvYi, rsSmoothFactor) .. us.return **Return Value** *rmZi* is the interpolated matrix for the given *rvXi* and *rvYi* coordinates. .. us.params **Parameters** .. uparam:: rvX *rvX* is a vector with x-coordinates for the matrix *rmZ*. .. uparam:: rvY *rvY* is a vector with y-coordinates for the matrix *rmZ*. .. uparam:: rmZ *rmZ* is a matrix. .. uparam:: rvXi *rvX* is a vector with x-coordinates for the new matrix *rmZi*. .. uparam:: rvYi *rvY* is a vector with y-coordinates for the new matrix *rmZi*. .. uparam:: rsSmoothFactor *rsSmoothFactor* is a number equal or greater than 0.0. No smoothing is performed for 0.0. .. us.example **Example** .. include:: ../include/test_fspline2.ic .. us.history **History** .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Version - Description * - 5.20 - New .. seealso:: :ref:`overview-mathematic`, :ref:`fspline`, :ref:`spline2`, :ref:`interpol2`, :ref:`rspline2` :sub:`id-16394`