.. highlightlang:: us .. _excel_sheet_get_row_style: excel_sheet_get_row_style ========================= .. index:: excel_sheet_get_row_style .. us.tag excel_sheet_get_row_style NOTREADYENGLISH excel-read New550 :ref:`excel_sheet_get_row_style` returns a real data matrix with the style indizes of an Excel 2007 sheet :file:`.xlsx`. For Excel 2003 and older Excel versions the function returns a matrix with all elements set to 1. .. function:: rmVal = excel_sheet_get_row_num(oSheet) .. us.return **Return Value** *rmVal* is a real matrix. The matrix contains the index value of the cell style. .. us.params **Parameters** .. uparam:: oSheet *oSheet* is an object created by :ref:`excel_sheet_open`. .. us.comment **Comment** Before this function is invoked :ref:`excel_sheet_get_rows` must be invoked. An example for the use of this function can be found in the UniScript file :file:`excel.ic`. In Excel 2007 the cell format is specified by one index value. The index refers to a style in the style file :file:`styles.xml` found in the Excel-ZIP file :file:`*.xlsx`. The style specifies the number format, fill color font, frame, etc. .. us.example **Example** See :ref:`excel_open`. .. us.history **History** .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Version - Description * - 5.5.0 - New .. seealso:: :ref:`overview-excel-files`, :ref:`excel_open`, :ref:`excel_sheet_open`, :ref:`excel_get_sheetnames`, :ref:`excel_get_style_index`, :ref:`excel_get_style_map`, :ref:`excel_sheet_close`, :ref:`excel_sheet_get_rows`, :ref:`excel_sheet_get_row_num`, :ref:`excel_sheet_get_row_str`, :ref:`excel_sheet_get_row_type` :sub:`id-705096`