.. highlightlang:: us .. _auto_readnctext: auto_ReadNCText =============== .. index:: auto_ReadNCText .. us.tag auto_ReadNCText ENGLISH :ref:`auto_ReadNCText` reads an attribute from the most recently imported data file. .. function:: ssText = auto_ReadNCText(ssVariable, ssAttribute) .. us.return **Return Value** *ssText* is a string containing the value of the attribute. Numbers will be converted to a string. .. us.params **Parameters** .. uparam:: ssVariable *ssVariable* is the name of a variable. To read a global attribute, the key word **GLOBAL** can be specified as the name. .. uparam:: ssAttribute *ssAttribute* is the name of an attribute. .. us.comment **Comment** *ssVariable* and *ssAttribute* are case sensitive. .. us.example **Example** :: auto_ImportData(GetRootDirectory() + "samples/vollast.asc"); ssFile = auto_ReadNCText("GLOBAL", "Origin"); auto_ReplaceText("$Data", ssFile); .. seealso:: :ref:`overview-automation`, :ref:`auto_LoadTemplate`, :ref:`auto_ReplaceText` :sub:`id-359204`