.. highlightlang:: us .. _auto_loadmatrixdataset: auto_LoadMatrixDataset ====================== .. index:: auto_LoadMatrixDataset .. us.tag auto_LoadMatrixDataset ENGLISH New5313 :ref:`auto_LoadMatrixDataset` loads a data matrix from a file and creates a 3D dataset. .. function:: hData = auto_LoadMatrixDataset(ssDiagram, ssFileName) .. us.return **Return Value** **Returnwert** *hData* is a handle of the new dataset (see example). .. us.params **Parameters** **Parameter** .. uparam:: ssDiagram *ssDiagram* is the name of the diagram in which the dataset should be displayed. If an empty name is given, the dataset will not be added to any diagram. In this case the dataset must be added to a diagram using :ref:`LayerAddDataset`. .. uparam:: ssFileName *ssfileName* is the name of a data file containing the matrix. The file can be a text of an Excel file. In case of an Excel file the sheet name can be added to the file name in square brackets. See example. I no sheet name is specified the matrix will be loaded from the first sheet. .. us.comment **Comment** The matrix format is specified here: :ref:`filemore-file-functionsload-3d-data-matrix` .. us.example **Example** :: hPage = auto_LoadTemplate("c:/mytemplate.ipw"); // Sheet2 is the sheet name. hData = auto_LoadMatrixDataset("Diagramm 1", "c:/mymatrix.xls [Sheet2]"); if (hData != 0) { hLayer = GetParent(hData); LayerAutoScale(hLayer); } .. us.history **History** .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Version - Description * - R2011.13 - New. .. seealso:: :ref:`overview-automation`, :ref:`auto_LoadTemplate`, :ref:`auto_SetTemplate`, :ref:`auto_LoadDataset`, :ref:`LayerAddDataset`, :ref:`GetParent`, :ref:`filemore-file-functionsload-3d-data-matrix` :sub:`id-1187082`