.. highlightlang:: us .. _aop_getapplinf: aop_getapplinf ============== .. index:: aop_getapplinf .. us.tag aop_getapplinf NOTREADYENGLISH New500 asam3 :ref:`aop_getapplinf` returns the application structure of an ASAM-ODS database. .. function:: ret = aop_getapplinf(envId, cl) .. us.return **Return Value** *applInfRet* is an object of the following form: :: applInfRet.infSeq.n applInfRet.infSeq[1].aiAId applInfRet.infSeq[1].aiBId applInfRet.infSeq[1].aiName applInfRet.relSeq.n applInfRet.relSeq[1].arAId1 applInfRet.relSeq[1].arAId2 applInfRet.relSeq[1].arRefNr applInfRet.relSeq[1].arName applInfRet.relSeq[1].arConstr AOP_BasElem .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Wert - Basis-Element-Name * - ODS_BE_RESERVED (0) - AoAny * - ODS_BE_ENV (1) - AoEnvironment * - ODS_BE_TST (2) - AoSubTest * - ODS_BE_MEA (3) - AoMeasurement * - ODS_BE_MEQ (4) - AoMeasurementQuantity * - ODS_BE_DNA (11) - AoQuantity * - ODS_BE_DNG (12) - AoQuantity * - ODS_BE_DUN (13) - AoUnit * - ODS_BE_DUG (14) - AoUnitGroup * - ODS_BE_DIM (15) - AoPhysicalDimension * - ODS_BE_UUT (21) - AoUnitUnderTest * - ODS_BE_UUP (22) - AoUnitUnderTestPart * - ODS_BE_INS (23) - AoTestEquipment * - ODS_BE_INP (24) - AoTestEquipmentPart * - ODS_BE_SEQ (25) - AoTestSequence * - ODS_BE_SEP (26) - AoTestSequencePart * - ODS_BE_USR (34) - AoUser * - ODS_BE_UGR (35) - AoUserGroup * - ODS_BE_TEST (36) - AoTest * - ODS_BE_TESTDEVICE (37) - AoTestDevice * - ODS_BE_SUBMATRIX (38) - AoSubmatrix * - ODS_BE_LOCALCOLUMN (39) - AoLocalColumn * - ODS_BE_MODELMAPPER (41) - AoModelMapper * - ODS_BE_LOG (43) - AoLog * - ODS_BE_PARAMETER (44) - AoParameter * - ODS_BE_PARAMATERSET (45) - AoParameterSet * - ODS_BE_NAMEMAP (46) - AoNameMap * - ODS_BE_ATTRIBUTEMAP (47) - AoAttributeMap .. us.params **Parameters** .. uparam:: envId *envId* is the environment Id, returned by :ref:`aop_openenv`. .. uparam:: cl *cl* is the client pointer, returned by :ref:`rpc_clnt_create`. .. us.history **History** .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Version - Description * - 5.0.0 - New .. seealso:: :ref:`overview-asam-ods` :sub:`id-1289428`