.. highlightlang:: us .. _xyzsetlabeltypeisolines: XYZSetLabelTypeIsolines ======================= .. index:: XYZSetLabelTypeIsolines .. us.tag XYZSetLabelTypeIsolines NOTREADYENGLISH New412 XYZSet_label :ref:`XYZSetLabelTypeIsolines` specifies how the isoline labels are placed in the dataset. .. function:: bool = XYZSetLabelTypeIsolines(hData, nLabelType) .. us.return **Return Value** If the function succeeds, the return value bool is TRUE (1) otherwise it is FALSE (0). .. us.params **Parameters** .. uparam:: hData A handle for a dataset created with :ref:`XYZCreate` or :ref:`XYZCreateFromMatrix`. .. uparam:: nLabelType *nLabelType* is one of the following values: .. list-table:: :header-rows: 0 * - LABEL_TYPE_NONE (0) - No label will be inserted. * - LABEL_TYPE_USER (1) - Label will be inserted manually by the user. * - LABEL_TYPE_STRIPES (2) - Label will be insert along three invisible vertical lines. * - LABEL_TYPE_MIDDLE (3) - Each isoline will be labeled in the middle of the line. * - LABEL_TYPE_RANDOM (4) - Like LABEL_TYPE_MIDDLE but the label will be inserted randomly. * - LABEL_TYPE_AUTO (4) - Like LABEL_TYPE_RANDOM. .. seealso:: :ref:`overview-xyz-datasets`, :ref:`XYZGetLabelTypeIsolines` :sub:`id-1856419`