.. highlightlang:: us .. index:: XYZGetBubbleAttribute .. _xyzgetbubbleattribute: XYZGetBubbleAttribute ===================== .. us.tag XYZGetBubbleAttribute NOTREADYENGLISH New400 XYZGet :ref:`XYZGetBubbleAttribute` returns the bubble plot settings. .. function:: att = XYZGetBubbleAttribute(hData) .. us.return **Return Value** *att* is an OR-combination of the following values: .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Value - Meaning * - BUBBLE_SOLIDCOLOR - 1 - Use Marker fill color as fill color * - BUBBLE_COLORGRADIENT - 2 - fill color depending on z-value. Use isoline fill color * - BUBBLE_SIZEAREA - 4 - Z-value sets bubble area * - BUBBLE_SIZEDIAMETER - 8 - Z-value sets bubble diameter * - BUBBLE_NOEDGELINE - 16 - If set, the bubbles will be plot without the edge line. * - BUBBLE_USESCALEVAL - 32 - If set, the scaling set with :ref:`XYZSetBubbleScaleValues` is used. Otherwise the min/max values of the z-data is used. .. us.params **Parameters** .. uparam:: hData Is the handle of a data set created with :ref:`XYZCreate`. .. seealso:: :ref:`overview-xyz-datasets`, :ref:`XYZGetBubbleSize`, :ref:`XYZIsBubbleVisible`, :ref:`XYZSetBubbleAttribute`, :ref:`XYZSetBubbleSize`, :ref:`XYZShowBubble`, :ref:`XYZGetBubbleScaleValues`, :ref:`XYZSetBubbleScaleValues` :sub:`id-1262963`