.. highlightlang:: us .. _xyseterrorbarconfig: XYSetErrorbarConfig =================== .. index:: XYSetErrorbarConfig .. us.tag XYSetErrorbarConfig ENGLISH XYSet New400 :ref:`XYSetErrorbarConfig` sets the error bar settings. .. function:: bool = XYSetErrorbarConfig(hData, ssXY, rvConfig) .. us.return **Return Value** If the function succeeds, the return value *bool* is TRUE (1); otherwise it is FALSE (0). .. us.params **Parameters** .. uparam:: hData The handle of a dataset created with :ref:`XYCreate` or :ref:`TYCreate`. .. uparam:: ssXY *ssXY* is a scalare string. For "X" the configuration of the x-errorbars is returned and for "Y" the y errobar configuration. .. uparam:: rvConfig *rvConfig* is a real vector with 5 elements: .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Value - Name - Description * - rvConfig[1] - Pen - Pen Handle that is used to draw the error bar. * - rvConfig[2] - LineWidthCap - Line width of the error bar cap in steps of 0.1 mm. * - rvConfig[3] - CapWidth - Width of the error bar cap in centimeters. If the width is 0 the cap is not drawn. * - rvConfig[4] - dValue - Error value. The meaning depends on the attribute value. * - rvConfig[5] - Attribut - See next table. The element rvConfig[5] (Attribut) can be a combination of the following values: .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Value - Name - Description * - - 0 - switch off error bar * - ERRORBAR_PERCENT - 1 - Error value in percent * - ERRORBAR_CONSTANT - 2 - Absolut error value * - ERRORBAR_PLUS - 8 - Draw positive error bar * - ERRORBAR_MINUS - 16 - Draw negative error bar * - ERRORBAR_PLUSMINUS - 24 - Draw positive and negative error bar. .. us.comment **Comment** The function returns a copy of the used pen (rvConfig[1]). This pen must be deleted with :ref:`PenDestroy` after it has been used to avoid memory leaks. .. us.example **Example** :: XYSetStyle(hData, XY_SHOWLINE | XY_SHOWERRORBARS); rvConfig = XYGetErrorbarConfig(hData, "Y"); rvConfig[4] = 0.03; // Percent rvConfig[5] = ERRORBAR_PERCENT | ERRORBAR_PLUSMINUS; // Attrib XYSetErrorbarConfig(hData, "Y", rvConfig); PenDestroy(rvConfig[1]); // Delete Pen // Do not display x-errorbars rvConfig = XYGetErrorbarConfig(hData, "X"); rvConfig[5] = 0; // switch off XYSetErrorbarConfig(hData, "X", rvConfig); PenDestroy(rvConfig[1]); // Delete Pen .. seealso:: :ref:`overview-xy-datasets`, :ref:`XYCreate`, :ref:`XYGetErrorbarConfig` :sub:`id-288974`