.. highlightlang:: us .. index:: TBSetText .. _tbsettext: TBSetText ========= .. us.tag TBSetText ENGLISH TB_Set :ref:`TBSetText` replaces the text of the specified object with new text. .. function:: bool = TBSetText(hText, ssText) .. us.return **Return Value** If the function succeeds, the return value *bool* is TRUE (1); otherwise it is FALSE (0). .. us.params **Parameters** .. uparam:: hText The handle of a text object created with :ref:`TBCreate`. .. uparam:: ssText *ssText* is the new text object text. It can be any length. .. us.comment **Comment** To create a multiline text, use the following escape sequence: ``\n`` or ``\r\n``. .. us.example **Example** :: hText = TBCreate(); TBSetText(hText, "First line\nSecond Line\nThird Line"); .. seealso:: :ref:`overview-text-objects`, :ref:`TBGetText`, :ref:`TBCreate`, :ref:`edit-objecttext` :sub:`id-741853`