.. highlightlang:: us .. _reportcontrol_getmatrix: ReportControl_GetMatrix ======================= .. index:: ReportControl_GetMatrix .. us.tag ReportControl_GetMatrix NOTREADYENGLISH New422 DialogBoxes Changed530 :ref:`ReportControl_GetMatrix` converts the :ref:`DialogBox` return value for the report control into a matrix. .. function:: smMatrix = ReportControl_GetMatrix(ssRet) = ReportControl_GetMatrix(ssRet) = ReportControl_GetMatrix(ssRet) .. us.return **Return Value** *smMatrix* is a string matrix. *smSel* is a string matrix with the selection. *rvSelRow* is a vector with indices of the selected rows of *smMatrix*. If no row is selected, the variable contains the value 0. .. us.params **Parameters** .. uparam:: ssRet *ssRet* is one of the elements of the return value of :ref:`DialogBox` function. .. us.example **Example** Example for a callback function which could be invoked when a user clicks on a dialog box button: :: def __DataFileList_EditNC(svInit) { = ReportControl_GetMatrix(svInit[1]); if (rsSelRow == 0) { MessageBoxInfo("Select an element"); return FALSE; } ssDir = _MakePathComplete(svSel[2]); ssFile = svSel[3]; ssNCFile = ssDir + ssFile; ssNCFile = auto_ImportData(ssNCFile); ssNewName = NC_Edit(ssNCFile, 1); if (ssNewName != "") { svPath = SplitPath(ssNewName); smList[rsSelRow; 2] = sum(svPath[1,2]); smList[rsSelRow; 3] = sum(svPath[3,4]); svInit[1] = ReportControl_GetInit(smList, TRUE, rsSelRow); } return svInit; } .. us.history **History** .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Version - Description * - 4.2.2 - New * - 5.3.0 - New return values added .. seealso:: :ref:`overview-dialogboxes`, :ref:`DialogBox`, :ref:`ReportControl_GetInit`, :ref:`GetListBoxText`, :ref:`CreateListBoxText` :sub:`id-204865`