.. highlightlang:: us .. _reportcontrol_getmarkerstylenames: ReportControl_GetMarkerStyleNames ================================= .. index:: ReportControl_GetMarkerStyleNames .. us.tag ReportControl_GetMarkerStyleNames ENGLISH New422 DialogBoxes :ref:`ReportControl_GetMarkerStyleNames` returns a string vector with marker names which can be used to initialize the marker combo box in a report control. .. function:: svNames = ReportControl_GetMarkerStyleNames() .. us.return **Return Value** *svNames* is a string vector with marker styles and names. .. us.comment **Comment** The string vector with the marker names can be converted to a scalar string with the help of the :ref:`CreateListBoxText` function. comment]Example for a callback function to choose a marker style. The function returns a scalar string to initialize the marker combo box. :: def __ItemMarkerStyle(svInit, iControl, iRow, iCol) { svNames = ReportControl_GetMarkerStyleNames(); // Find the selected marker (smMat[iRow;iCol]) = GetListBoxText(svInit[iControl], FALSE); smMat = ReportControl_GetMatrix(ssMat); return CreateListBoxText(svNames, smMat[iRow;iCol]); } .. us.history **History** .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Version - Description * - 4.2.2 - New .. seealso:: :ref:`overview-dialogboxes`, :ref:`DialogBox`, :ref:`ReportControl_GetMatrix`;, :ref:`GetListBoxText`, :ref:`CreateListBoxText`, :ref:`ReportControl_GetMarkerStyle` :sub:`id-1089599`