.. highlightlang:: us .. _rainflow_batch: Rainflow_Batch ============== .. index:: Rainflow_Batch .. us.tag Rainflow_Batch NOTREADYENGLISH New5101 Executes a rainflow counting function. The results are displayed in a template. .. function:: hPage = Rainflow_Batch(obj) .. us.return **Return Value** *hPage* is the page handle. In case of an error *hPage* is 0. .. us.params **Parameters** .. uparam:: obj *obj* is an object with the following elements: .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Element - Descriptiion - Values * - obj.rmXY - data matrix with two colums - [x,y] * - obj.ssTemplate - Template name - GetRootDirectory() + "addin\\rs_rainflow\\rainflow1.ipw"; * - obj.ssUseThreshold - Use threshold - ``"0"`` oder ``"1"`` * - obj.ssThreshold - Threshold value - ``"0.0"`` * - obj.ssCols - Number of columns of the rainflow matrix - ``"20"`` * - obj.ssRows - Number of rows of the rainflow matrix - ``"20"`` * - obj.ssSaveData - Save the rainflow data - ``"0"`` or ``"1"`` * - obj.ssAddZeros - Add zero at the beginning and end - ``"0"`` or ``"1"`` * - obj.ssUseNormalize - Normalize data - ``"0"`` or ``"1"`` * - obj.ssNormalizeValue - Normalize value - e.g. "100" * - obj.ssCombineCycles - Combine half cycles - ``"0"`` or ``"1"`` :: def Rainflow_Test() { obj = obj_create(); x = [1:1000]'; // column vector y = rand(1000, 1) // column vector obj.rmXY = [x,y]; obj.ssTemplate = GetRootDirectory() + "addin\rs_rainflow\rainflow1.ipw"; obj.ssUseThreshold = "0"; obj.ssThreshold = "0.0"; obj.ssCols = "20"; obj.ssRows = "20"; obj.ssSaveData = "0"; obj.ssAddZeros = "1"; obj.ssUseNormalize = "1"; obj.ssNormalizeValue = "100"; obj.ssCombineCycles = "1"; hDoc = Rainflow_Batch(obj); if (hDoc != 0) { ssPNGSave = GetUserDirectory() + "rain"; hvPage = DocGetAllPages(hDoc) nPage = len(hvPage); for (i in 1:nPage) { ssFilename = sprintf("%s-%d.png", ssPNGSave, i); PageSaveAsBitmapEx(hvPage[i], ssFilename, "PNG", 300); } DocDestroy(hDoc); // close document } return TRUE; } .. us.comment **Comment** The rainflow addin must be loaded. .. us.history **History** .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Version - Description * - 5.10.1 - New. .. seealso:: :ref:`rainflow-counting`, :ref:`ADDIN_LoadAddIn` :sub:`id-1184723`