.. highlightlang:: us .. index:: ObjCopy .. _objcopy: ObjCopy ======= .. us.tag ObjCopy ENGLISH New427 :ref:`ObjCopy` creates new objects from existing objects. .. function:: hvNew = ObjCopy(hvHandle) .. us.return **Return Value** *hvNew* is the handle of the object or vector of handles. If an object could not be created the element in the vector is 0. .. us.params **Parameters** .. uparam:: hvHandle *hvHandle* is a vector of handles of the following type: .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Value - Meaning * - ``OBJ_LAYER`` - see LayerCreate. Drawing objects and dataset objects are not copied. * - ``OBJ_XYDATASET`` - see :ref:`XYCreate` and :ref:`TYCreate`. * - ``OBJ_XYZDATASET`` - see :ref:`XYZCreate` and :ref:`XYZCreateFromMatrix`. * - ``OBJ_TABLE`` - see :ref:`TableCreate`. * - ``OBJ_TEXT`` - see :ref:`TBCreate`. * - ``OBJ_RECT`` - see :ref:`RBCreate`. * - ``OBJ_ELLIPSE`` - see :ref:`EBCreate`. * - ``OBJ_LINE`` - see :ref:`LBCreate`. * - ``OBJ_OLEITEM`` - see :ref:`ImageCreate`. The object is only copied if it is a picture (wmf, jpg,...). If the object is an OLE object (e.g. an Excel Sheet) use :ref:`OLESaveToFile` and :ref:`LayerCreateMetaFromFile`. * - ``OBJ_LINK`` - see :ref:`CBCreate`. * - ``OBJ_PEN`` - see :ref:`PenCreate`. * - ``OBJ_MARKER`` - see :ref:`MarkerCreate`. * - ``OBJ_FONT`` - see :ref:`FontCreate`. * - ``OBJ_HATCH`` - siehe :ref:`HatchCreate`. The following object types will be ignored: .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Value - Meaning * - ``OBJ_APPLICATION`` - ``-`` * - ``OBJ_DOCUMENT`` - see :ref:`DocCreate`. * - ``OBJ_PAGE`` - see :ref:`PageCreate`. * - ``OBJ_FILE`` - see :ref:`fopen`. * - ``OBJ_CONTAINER`` - see :ref:`CnCreate`. * - ``OBJ_MAP`` - see :ref:`MapCreate`. .. us.history **History** .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Version - Description * - 4.2.7 - New .. seealso:: :ref:`overview-objects`, :ref:`ObjCreate`, :ref:`LayerAddDataset`, :ref:`LayerAddObjects` :sub:`id-554715`