.. highlightlang:: us .. index:: MakePath .. _makepath: MakePath ======== .. us.tag MakePath ENGLISH FILE_MISC :ref:`MakePath` creates a full path name composed of a drive letter, directory path, file name and extension. .. function:: ssFileName = MakePath(svSplitPath) .. us.return **Return Value** *ssFileName* is the full path name. .. us.params **Parameters** .. uparam:: svSplitPath *svSplitPath* is a string vector with four elements: .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Value - Meaning * - svSplitPath[1] - is the drive letter followed by a colon. * - svSplitPath[2] - is the path of subdirectories including the trailing slash. * - svSplitPath[3] - is the file name. * - svSplitPath[4] - is the extension including the leading period (.). .. us.example **Example** :: * MakePath(["d", "\test", "test", "xls"]) d:\test\test.xls .. seealso:: :ref:`overview-files`, :ref:`SplitPath`, :ref:`MakeFullPath`, :ref:`ComparePath` :sub:`id-139333`