.. highlightlang:: us .. index:: IpwInfo .. _ipwinfo: IpwInfo ======= .. us.tag IpwInfo ENGLISH ProgMisc New5145 Changed5400 :ref:`IpwInfo` returns the number of streams and the total size of all streams of an IPW or IPZ file. .. function:: rvInfo = IpwInfo(ssFile) .. us.return **Return Value** *rvInfo* ist ein Vektor mit zwei Elementen. IPW files: *rvInfo* is a vector with two elements: ``rvInfo[1]`` contains the number of streams and ``rvInfo[2]`` the total size of all streams (number of bytes). IPZ files: ``rvInfo[1]`` contains the number -1. ``rvInfo[2]`` contains the number of unused bytes in the file. .. us.params **Parameters** .. uparam:: ssFile *ssFile* is the complete file name of an IPW or IPZ file. .. us.comment **Comment** UniPlot files (IPW file) are saved in the Microsoft Compound Document File Format. Beside the data, the file contains a table of contents and a File Allocation Table (FAT), which size is returned in ``rvInfo[2]`` element. .. us.example **Example** :: def test() { file = GetRootDirectory() + "samples\\sample.ipw"; f = fopen(file, "rb"); sizeFile = fgetlen(f); fclose(f); sizeInternal = IpwInfo(file)[2]; print sizeFile, sizeInternal; } test(); .. us.history **History** .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Version - Description * - R2012 (5.40.0) - Handling of IPZ files. * - 5.14.5 - New. .. seealso:: :ref:`overview-programming` :sub:`id-273824`