.. highlightlang:: us .. index:: GetColorDialog .. _getcolordialog: GetColorDialog ============== .. us.tag GetColorDialog NOTREADYENGLISH DialogBoxes New300 :ref:`GetColorDialog` displays a color dialog box. .. function:: rvColorRGB = GetColorDialog() rvColorRGB = GetColorDialog(rvColorRGBInit) .. us.return **Return Value** *rvColorRGB* vector with 3 elements or the number 0 if the Cancel button was selected. .. us.params **Parameters** .. uparam:: rvColorRGBInit *rvColorRGBInit* Init color. .. us.comment **Comment** The user colors are saved in the windows registry. Width ``GetProfileInt("settings", "custcolor0")`` to `` GetProfileInt("settings", "custcolor15")`` the 16 user colors can be read. With ``Color_COLORREF_to_RGB(rsColor)`` the color value can be converted to a vector with 3 elements. .. seealso:: :ref:`overview-dialogboxes`, :ref:`GetColorGradientDialog` :sub:`id-435871`