.. highlightlang:: us .. index:: DT_SetDate .. _dt_setdate: DT_SetDate ========== .. us.tag DT_SetDate ENGLISH DT_FUNC :ref:`DT_SetDate` sets the value to the specified date-only value. .. function:: rvDate = DT_SetDate(rmDate) .. us.return **Return Value** *rvDate* is a real vector. If the date/time invalid for example February 29, 1998 the function returns the value -1e6 (1000000). .. us.params **Parameters** .. uparam:: rmDate *rmDate* is a matrix with 3 columns. .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Value - Meaning * - rmDateTime[;1] - Year (100 to 9999) * - rmDateTime[;2] - Month (1 to 12) * - rmDateTime[;3] - Day (1 to 31) .. us.comment **Comment** For more information about the ``DT_``-functions see :ref:`DT_GetCurrentTime`. .. us.example **Example** :: * DT_SetDate([1998, 1, 15; 1998, 1, 16]) 35810.0000 35811.0000 .. seealso:: :ref:`overview-date-and-time`, :ref:`DT_GetCurrentTime`, :ref:`DT_GetYear`, :ref:`DT_GetMonth`, :ref:`DT_GetHour`, :ref:`DT_GetMinute`, :ref:`DT_GetSecond`, :ref:`DT_GetDayOfWeek`, :ref:`DT_GetDayOfYear` :sub:`id-1240287`