.. highlightlang:: us .. index:: AppSetGlobalOption .. _appsetglobaloption: AppSetGlobalOption ================== .. us.tag AppSetGlobalOption ENGLISH App New590 Changed5147 Changed5400 Changed6200 :ref:`AppSetGlobalOption` sets a value of an option from :ref:`toolsmore-options`. .. function:: bool = AppSetGlobalOption(ssOption, val) .. us.return **Return Value** *bool* .. us.params **Parameters** .. uparam:: ssOption *ssOption* is one of the following options: .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Option Name - Datatype - Default Value - Description * - ``"user-home-directory"`` - string - - see :ref:`GetUserDirectory`. * - ``"netcdf-directory"`` - string - - Directory to save the imported data files (netCDF files) The directory must exist. If the directory is not specified, the data files are saved in the directory of the source file. * - ``"delay-loading"`` - integer - 1 - Delayed loading of MDF- and TDM data files enabled. * - ``"update-shortcut-programs"`` - integer - 0 - Creates or updates the start menu settings for UniPlot. * - ``"update-shortcut-desktop"`` - integer - 0 - Creates or updates the desktop icon for UniPlot. * - ``"update-shortcut-quicklaunch"`` - integer - 0 - Creates or updates the Quick Launch Toolbar for UniPlot. * - ``"nc-allow-special-chars"`` - integer - 0 - 1: The following 10 special characters will not be replaced by underscores in channel names during import: ., -, +, , #, ~, !, ^, &, %. 0 (Default): The special characters will be replaced by underscores. * - ``"auto-compact"`` - integer - 1 - Defracment IPW files automatically during file closing. * - ``"gdi-driver"`` - integer - 3 - Driver für screen output: ``"1: GDI"``, ``"2: GDI+"``, ``"3: Direct2D (Default)"``, See :ref:`AppSetGDI`. * - ``"gdi-driver-printer"`` - integer - 1 - Driver for printer output: ``"1: GDI (Default)"``, ``"2: GDI+"`` * - ``"nc-utf8"`` - integer - 1 - Marks this file as UTF-8 encoded. The attribute value is ignored. .. uparam:: val *val* is the option value. .. us.history **History** .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Version - Description * - R2020 - New Option ``nc-utf8``. * - R2012 (5.40.0) - Removed the options ``standard-netcdf-files`` and ``max-data-import``. * - 5.14.7 - New Options. * - 5.9 - New. .. seealso:: :ref:`overview-application-object`, :ref:`AppGetGlobalOption`, :ref:`AppLoadSettings`, :ref:`AppSaveSettings` :sub:`id-397652`