.. highlightlang:: us .. index:: command line .. index:: command line parameters .. index:: start parameter .. index:: AppGetCommandLine .. _appgetcommandline: AppGetCommandLine ================= .. us.tag AppGetCommandLine ENGLISH App New300 Changed5502 :ref:`AppGetCommandLine` returns the command line. .. function:: ssCommandLine = AppGetCommandLine() .. us.return **Return Value** *ssCommandLine* is a scalar string without the program name. For the command ``c:\program\uniplot\program\uniplot.exe /StartupFileName test.ic Para1 Para2`` the function returns the string ``/StartupFileName test.ic Para1 Para2``. .. us.example **Example** .. code-block:: us :linenos: :emphasize-lines: 10 /* File my_startjob.ic Example: c:\program\uniplot\program\uniplot.exe /StartupFileName my_startjob.ic job.xml First load the standard startup file: */ load(GetRootDirectory() + "startup\\startup.ic"); // No load my script file: ssDir = GetRootDirectory() + "myscript\\"; load(ssDir + "myscript.ic"); ssCommands = AppGetCommandLine(); if (ssCommands != "") { = StringToField(ssCommands); if (len(svCommands) == 3) { ssJobFile = svCommands[3]; // execute a function im myscript.ic _my_job_execute(ssJobFile); } } .. us.comment **Comment** The following standard parameter are supported: .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Description * - ``/StartupFileName `` - Instead of the default startup file :file:`startup\\startup.ic` the given file is loaded, see Example. ```` is the complete UniScript file name. * - ``/Ini`` - Same as ``/StartupFileName``. * - ``/NoAutoLoad`` - The files in the autoload directory are not loaded. * - ``/IniFileName `` - Instead to the Windows-Registry (``HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\RSB\UniPlot5``) UniPlot will use an INI file the given file name to save settings (text file). * - ``/User `` - If a user name is given the settings will be saved in the registry under the key ``HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\RSB\UniPlot5\`` instead of ``HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\RSB\UniPlot5``. * - ``/automation`` - If set, Uniplot will be started without displaying the main window. The splash screen will not be displayed. See also :ref:`AppSetBatchMode`. * - ``/RegServer`` - Obsolet. Will be executed during startup. * - ``/UnRegserver`` - Obsolet. Will be executed during uninstall. * - ``/BatchMode`` - Starts UniPlot in batch mode, see :ref:`AppSetBatchMode`. The parameters are case insensitive. The :ref:`GetCommandLine` function is the corresponding function in the UniScript-Interpreter (``us.exe``), see :ref:`uniscript-as-a-stand-alone-program`. .. us.history **History** .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Version - Description * - R2013.2 - Description of standard parameter added. * - 3.0 - New. .. seealso:: :ref:`overview-application-object`, :ref:`AppQuit`, :ref:`strtok`, :ref:`GetCommandLine`, :ref:`AppSetBatchMode` :sub:`id-1720758`