.. highlightlang:: us .. index:: AbbreviatePathName .. _abbreviatepathname: AbbreviatePathName ================== .. us.tag AbbreviatePathName ENGLISH FILE_MISC The :ref:`AbbreviatePathName` function creates a abbreviate path name. .. function:: svShortNames = AbbreviatePathName(svFileNames, nMaxLen) svShortNames = AbbreviatePathName(svFileNames, nMaxLen, bAtLeastName) .. us.return **Return Value** *svShortNames* is a string vector with short path names. .. us.params **Parameters** .. uparam:: svFileNames *svFileNames* is a vector of path names. .. uparam:: nMaxLen *nMaxLen* is the maximum number of characters of the abbreviated path name. .. uparam:: bAtLeastName If *bAtLeastName* is TRUE (1), at least the file name is returned. If *bAtLeastName* is FALSE (0) and the parameter *nMaxLen* is smaller than the length of the file name, an empty string is returned. Default value is TRUE (1). .. us.example **Example** :: * AbbreviatePathName("c:/test/test1/test2/filename.dat", 30, TRUE) * c:/test/.../test2/filename.dat * * AbbreviatePathName("c:\test\test1\test2\filename.dat", 30, TRUE) * c:\test\...\test2\filename.dat * * AbbreviatePathName("\\P300\c\test\test1\test2\filename.dat", 30, TRUE) * \\P300\c\...\filename.dat .. seealso:: :ref:`SplitPath` :sub:`id-951841`