.. highlightlang:: us .. _uniplot-tools: UniPlot-Tools ============= .. _uniplot.exe: uniplot.exe ----------- UniPlot. .. _us_exe: us.exe ------ :file:`us.exe` is stand-alone UniScript interpreter (see :ref:`uniscript-as-a-stand-alone-program`). .. _luajit_exe: luajit.exe ----------- :file:`luajit.exe` is a stand-alone Lua Just-in-Time interpreter/compiler (see :ref:`lua`). .. _usserv32_exe: usserv32.exe ------------ :file:`usserv32.exe` is stand-alone UniScript interpreter (see :ref:`uniscript-as-a-stand-alone-program`). .. _ncdump_exe: ncdump.exe ---------- Converts an nc file (netCDF file) to a text file. (see also :ref:`overview-netcdf-files`). :: ncdump [-c|-h] [-v ...] [[-b|-f] [c|f]] [-l len] [-n name] [-d n[,n]] file [-c] Coordinate variable data and header information [-h] Header information only, no data [-v var1[,...]] Data for variable(s) ,... only [-b [c|f]] Brief annotations for C or Fortran indices in data [-f [c|f]] Full annotations for C or Fortran indices in data [-l len] Line length maximum in data section (default 80) [-n name] Name for netCDF (default derived from file name) [-d n[,n]] Approximate floating-point values with less precision file File name of input netCDF file Example: :: c:\programme\uniplot\program\ncdump test1.nc > test1.cdl Output: :: netcdf test1 { dimensions: n = 17 ; variables: double EngSpd(n) ; EngSpd:title = "EngSpd" ; EngSpd:units = "RPM" ; EngSpd:long_name = "EngSpd [RPM]" ; EngSpd:scale_factor = 1. ; EngSpd:add_offset = 0. ; EngSpd:Description = "" ; EngSpd:Comment = "" ; EngSpd:_channel_type = "measured" ; double PME(n) ; PME:title = "PME" ; PME:units = "bar" ; PME:long_name = "PME [bar]" ; PME:scale_factor = 1. ; PME:add_offset = 0. ; PME:Description = "" ; PME:Comment = "" ; PME:_channel_type = "measured" ; // global attributes: :Origin = "D:\uniplotd2\samples\Test1.xls" ; :Source = "FEV Software and Testing Solutions GmbH" ; :Creator = "UniPlot-Excel-Converter" ; :ImportOptions = "2" ; :Range = 1, 17 ; :Reference = "" ; :Date = "12.11.2004" ; :Time = "09:57:38,265" ; :Title = "" ; :Comment1 = "" ; :Comment2 = "" ; :Comment3 = "" ; :__XSort__ = '\0' ; data: EngSpd = 1006, 1249, 1512, 1708, 1804, 1905, 2007, 2250, 2507, 2751, 3006, 3252, 3498, 3749, 4004, 4205, 4409 ; PME = 8.47, 9.33, 10.64, 11.21, 11.27, 11.41, 11.5, 11.62, 11.72, 11.56, 11.28, 10.84, 10.3, 9.92, 9.56, 8.71, 6.83 ; } The text file can be converted to an nc file with :ref:`ncgen_exe`. .. _ncgen_exe: ncgen.exe --------- Converts a CDL file (see :ref:`ncdump_exe`) to a netCDF file. (see also :ref:`overview-netcdf-files`) Example: :: c:\programme\uniplot\program\ncgen.exe -o test.nc test.cdl .. _ipwtool_exe: ipwtool.exe ----------- This program can be used to change the sector size of UniPlot files (.ipw files). In UniPlot 4.0.0 to 4.1.2 the number of XY-datasets per document is limited to approx. 800. A document can have more datasets if it is closed after 800 datasets have been created. This limitation only applies to UniPlot 3.x if the datasets contain more than 1000 data points per dataset. If Windows 2000 or Windows XP is used the limitation can be removed if the sector size is set to 4096 bytes in the :ref:`toolsoptions` dialog box. With 4096 bytes per sector the number of datasets is unlimited. 4096 byte sectors cannot be created under Windows NT or Windows 98. The command line program ``ipwtool.exe`` can be used to alter the sector size of IPW files under Windows 2000/XP. Example: Set the sector size to 4096 Bytes/Sector of all files in the directory: ``c:\Programme\UniPlot\Program\ipwtool.exe convert -s 4096 *.ipw`` Set all IPW files in the directory to 512 Bytes/Sector: ``c:\Programme\UniPlot\Program\ipwtool.exe convert -s 512 *.ipw`` Display sector size (``-i`` for info). ``c:\Programme\UniPlot\Program\ipwtool.exe convert -i *.ipw`` ``ipwtool.exe`` cannot be used under Unter Windows 98/NT 4.0. .. _sqlite.exe: .. _sqlite_exe: sqlite.exe ---------- See :ref:`sqlite---a-program-to-administer-sqlite-databases`. sqlite.exe and sqlite3.exe. .. _up3dv_exe: up3dv.exe --------- See :ref:`uniplot_3dview`. .. _upimage_exe: upimage.exe ----------- Converts a Windows-Metafile (EMF- or WMF-file) into a bitmap graphic with high resolution (e. g. 600 or 1200 DPI) in the range 50 to 1400 DPI. The following formats are supported: .. list-table:: :header-rows: 0 * - BMP * - TIFF * - JPG * - PNG Example: Creates a TIFF file with 300 DPI (dots per inch):: c:\program files\uniplot\program\upimage -r 300 -t tif test.emf Creates a PNG file with 600 DPI:: c:\program files\uniplot\program\upimage -r 600 -t png *.emf Prints the help text:: c:\program files\uniplot\program\upimage :sub:`id-1882217`